News & Issues
The Green Party, provincially and federally, is committed to discussing and putting forward policies that embody the six green values: Ecological Wisdom, Social Justice, Participatory Democracy, Nonviolence, Sustainability, and Respect for Diversity.
Here are some issues that are of particular interest in Peterborough-Kawartha.
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In preparation for the PK Green Party of Canada EDA Annual General Meeting in February, nominations are open for all executive positions on both the local provincial constituency association and the federal electoral district association. The AGMs for both associations will take place the same evening, February 11, at 6:30 PM. The venue will soon be finalized. 19.03.30.EDA Constitution- PKGreen Party of Canada (2019)Download Charter of the PK GPO CA updated with July 2022 amendments Rural people are at the forefront of climate change. But often they are isolated from the decision-making that impacts their environment and their options for adapting. The Green Party aims to bring the adaptation process into the power of rural people by... Elizabeth May and Jeff Wheeldon respond to criticisms about the proposals about the Tar Sands in Mission Possible, the Green Party’s climate crisis action plan. Caption First, a BIG THANK YOU to all of our supporters during the 2018 campaign. We made a good showing, and it gives us a good foundation for promoting Green policies through the coming mandate. With that goal in mind: Membership Matters. The Green Party is run... Old Wood New Seeds Winter Longing Music A solo CD of new music by William Beauvais. The culmination of two years of creativity, Old Wood - New Seeds presents a collection of wonderful music for classical guitar. It includes the folk inspired suite Appalachian Colours... If you want to make a difference, joining a Canvassing Team has the biggest impact. No cuts to social programing or eduction or health care or environmental protection including flood control are needed in order to balance the budget. The Green approach to budgeting raises the revenue needed to efficiently provide for human and environmental needs at reasonable cost The Six Values of the Green PartyBackgrounder for Executive Positions
Bylaws of the Peterborough-Kawartha Federal Green Party Association (EDA)
Bylaws of the Peterborough-Kawartha Green Party of Ontario Constituency Association
Green Party Federal Agriculture Policy
Mission Possible and the Tar Sands
A Big Welcome
William Beauvais Classical Guitarist
Join a Canvassing Team
Balance the Budget WITHOUT CUTS!
Green Party Values
Meet your PK Federal Green Party Executive Committee
On November 27, the membership elected new executive officers to lead us through 2019. What a great crew!
With the 2018 Provincial election approaching, the media has begun featuring our Green Candidate Gianne Broughton. Gianne comments on Doug Ford's PC leadership election From Peterborough Examiner Who is Gianne Broughton From Provincial Green Party Leader, Mike Schreiner is visiting Peterborough on Saturday March 24. And we're busy planning all the details... Mike wants to hear from you, our members, about the concerns you have, the advice you can offer, and your enthusiasm for the Green... Good Evening. Land Acknowledgement: Before I tell you about myself and why I offered to stand for nomination, we need to acknowledge our relationship to this land and its Indigenous Peoples. We are meeting on the land that has been cared for by many generations of...Media Coverage!
Mike Schreiner to Visit Ptbo Again!
Gianne Broughton Accepts the Nomination from Peterborough – Kawartha Greens
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“This Budget has nothing for climate – nothing at all. It’s as if we’re not in a climate emergency.” - Elizabeth May, MP The Liberal government released its budget this week, outlining the government’s priorities for 2018. Where it’s putting your money – and where... Though my job constantly requires me to look to the challenges and dangers on the horizon, I know that Canadians working together can solve any problem, overcome any hurdle. I think that is what makes us Canadian – a profound faith that together, through hard work,...This Budget has nothing for climate
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