First, a BIG THANK YOU to all of our supporters during the 2018 campaign. We made a good showing, and it gives us a good foundation for promoting Green policies through the coming mandate.
With that goal in mind: Membership Matters.
The Green Party is run democratically by its members, including setting policy.
Locally, only members can:
- elect the local candidate and the local executive
- join a campaign management team
- help select the field trips, social and learning events organized by the local executive
The main thing is: when you become a member, your local leadership can easily get in touch with you, and then everything we do becomes so much easier!
Becoming a member is inexpensive and easy. Just follow these links:
Green Party of Canada:
Green Party of Ontario:
You can also donate to the local Constituency Association or Electoral District Association through the main party sites.
For the Green Party of Canada:
(If we have 70 people donating $10 per month, we will be ready for a solid Get Out the Vote campaign in Fall 2019.)
For Green Party of Ontario:
(If we have 70 people donating $5 per month, we will be ready for a solid Get Out the Vote campaign in Spring 2022.)
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