Donate to the Peterborough-Kawartha Green Party of Ontario Constituency Association

To support the expenses of getting a Green Party Candidate elected here in Provincial elections.

Some tips about how to respond to the things that come up at that link:

Please note: If you would like to make a donation in person by cheque, please email us at to make arrangements. Money donated this way gets into our local bank account faster.

Just to let you know…

      • Your contribution to a political party in Ontario can result in  a significant tax credit, but there are limits that increase  change every year. This link takes you to the official page that describes the details for Ontario for 2021.

      • The amount of credit depends on how much you give. From the Ontario Ministry of Finance the rate for 2021 is:

        • 75 per cent on the first $427 of donations in 2021

        • 50 per cent on the portion of your donation between $427 and $1,423 in 2021

        • 33.33 per cent on the portion between $1,423 and $3,238 in 2021.

Thank you for your support!