Donate to the Peterborough- Kawartha Federal Green Party Association
To support the expenses of getting a Green Party Candidate elected here in Federal elections.
Some tips about how to respond to the things that come up at that link:
You are entitled to a membership if you donate $10 or more. If you want your donation to be counted as a membership, you MUST click on “I want to become a member”.
You have the option of donating by paypal by using the blue button OR continuing through the process to donate by credit card.
Monthly donations are highly appreciated, since this gives us a more predictable income and allows us to plan more clearly.
Please note: If you would like to make a donation in person by cheque, please email us at to make arrangements. Money donated this way gets into our local bank account faster.
Just to let you know…
$1675 is the annual limit for 2022.
Donations between 0 and $400: give you a 75 per cent refund.
Donations between $400 and $750: give you $300 plus 50 per cent of any amount over $400.
Donations over $750: give you $475 plus 33 1/3 per cent of any amount over $750 up to a maximum of $1675 per year.
Thank you for your support!
Here are some examples of the tax credits you can receive:
Contribution | Tax Credit | Your Actual Cost |
$10 | $7.50 | $2.50 |
$25 | $18.75 | $6.25 |
$50 | $37.50 | $12.50 |
$100 | $75 | $25 |
$200 | $150 | $50 |
$400 | $300 | $100 |
$600 | $400 | $200 |
$1000 | $558 | $442 |
$1650 | $650 | $1000 |